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leaving from Ekat: 27 of May

Csabi in Russia

From March 2012 I will be living in Ekaterinburg, Russia for some time. Stay with me in this unilingually English blog.

the time

in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk oblast) is always 4 hours ahead of CET, 3 hours ahead of Finnish and Ukrainian, 2 hours ahead of Moscow and Kazan time.



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Ajanlott blog (HU)

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Konyets summer coursa

2011.08.21. 17:03 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

First of all i have to say N3BNHNTe (sorry) for the huge delay, there were two reasons: the extreme low internet availability (there is wifi, but i have no computer), and lack of time (that few hours spent home are just enough for sleeping and cleaning clothes for day after tomorrow - for tomorrow they don't dry).

So during the week, in the mornings we were learning Russian, in the afternoons, some various programmes. Out of them, Thursdays was the most interesting, it had many conclusions. I hope dear reader u let me list them.
1. In spite of what most guys think, the worst thing in shopping with girls is not the huge amount of time wasted, but carrying the stuff back home ...
2. If 5 helper guys come out the kitchen and one girl enters, the pace of cooking will increase.
3. If people come to your flat to cook they suppose u have oil and salt.
4. Cooking Russian dishes takes time.
5. Atakhan is always at least one hour late on his 5m trip to our kitchen. I hope he won't work for the railway.
6. It's never enough of dishes and plates in the kitchen.
The event was a great success of the organizers and teachers (they were cooking the Russian meals), we ate very good food after the mutually exclusively waiting and watching (whose) the food (is) being cooked (by). On Friday the course ended. I usually have mixed feelings at the ends, but now everybody was so positive, and the course was a great success (i know other expressions for "good" as well, but this is my favourite ...). This was the first time when they organized it, and they are very positive about the future editions. Julia (organizer), Dasha (her friend) and many others done huge effort to make our stay and learning very nice, y. a. place where i can say thank you for all of u. And for the fellow students, with who we formed a very good group, we had so much fun together. See u guys once in Europe or a bit (17kms) further.
From the Russian learning side, i still have plenty of space where i can improve, my Russian knowledge is still quite far from my Italian and has just taken my Finnish over. So learning a language is never fast, but sometimes faster then in this case. But the important thing (for me) is that i will continue, and my (second after buying a rail wagon) long-term aim is to speak enough Russian for buying a train ticket (it's like writing a thesis in Europe ... just joking, but it's hard). So i bought a book what i will try to read once, and if i succeed i will be strong enough to stend in the queue holding my passport with confidence. :)
On Saturday there was day of the city (deny goroda), the city was actually founded in November by two stupid guys who were not patient enough to wait until May or June, or did not think about that celebrating the city's birthday will be awful in the cold and rainy November. But nowadays people are smart, so they just celebrate it in August. I guess i don't surprise u dear reader with the fact that on the day of the city supermarkets did not sell alcohol, and it was not possible to get alcohol anywhere in the centre. There were open-air concerts on Lenin street which was closed for traffic, and many people were selling festival-stuff all around the center.
In the evening we (almost everybody) went to Tinkoff brewery, which if famous Russia-wide and had (had?) a Pro Tour Cycling team. This place was open because they sell special beers which are not in that price category that you would like to get drunk of it. The beer was very good, and the chat (last time for many of us, who left today) was cool too. Then we went to Shan's apartment where it seemed that Shan can handle the things but now we know that they were the things, handling Shan. But the party was okay except for the stupid annoying thing that we had to leave at 0:20 to catch the dorm closing at 1:00. But not anymore, today i moved out (according to schedule), and i will stay 2 days at Shan's, on Malysheva street. As i bought rail tickets yesterday (with help, but still surprisingly easily, in 40 mins), i know that on Tuesday night i will depart to Moscow (arrival Thu early morning), and on Friday eve i go to Minsk (that's just 8 hours), then only spend one day in Minsk (not to face the "where to spend the night" difficulty, which is quite significant in Minsk), and on Saturday evening trying to get forward on Minsk-Vilnius-Riga-Tallinn route, most probably by Eurolines. By Sunday afternoon i have to be at Hki airport in Finland, from where i have free bus at 1600 to Vierumaki where the summer school will be. It's about some IT stuff, i am sent by ELTE (Uni Bp). They pay everything (i hope), so i go there and then home. So it's still a long way, stay with me and read the blog, i promise to write it more often in the next two weeks (as more things will happen and i will have more internet, especially in Finland).
Next post is gonna be a special post by a surprise-guest writer. Stay tuned :)

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