During the week I was finally able to work without any interruption (last week on Thursday there was no internet), and also work a bit more every day to cover last Thursday. It's quite peaceful here during the day, sometimes a bit cold in the flat, but on socks and sweater it's completely ok. We also had skype meeting, I was a bit afraid that it will suck, voice quality will make the meeting impossible to carry out. I know i am IT guy and I should trust in modern technology, but still ... :) So I was positively surprised, the meetings were at least as useful as in February, or more useful. And there was no problem at all with voice. In the picture you can see the view from my window, picture taken on friday afternoon. There is a school under the window, and around it, residental blocks.
During the week in the evenings we watched some films and I started to form a scandinavian-movie lover of Julia, so far with little success. :) But I recommend "Lapland Odyssey" to everybody, almost all (both) of us liked it very much. :)
On Saturday Dasha and Marat invited us to a running competition to the nearby town of Polevskoy. We went by Marat's car, and somewhere on the way to Polevskoy we got to know that the running is not in Polevskoy but in the also P starter Pervourlask. The two towns are not near the each other at all, and I experienced by best longer car journey ever (no, when i or my fater drives it's better, but almost), due to the fact that Marat's car was not 100% healthy and we could only go by 50-60 kmph on the highway (doubler). So we were a bit late for registration but it was no problem. The running surprisingly for me, did not cost anything, Pervouralsk Pipe Factory sponsored the (rather small) event. The distances were 7 and 14 kms, with Marat we choose 7, Julia and Dasha choose to support us. At the start, there were around 30 people, yound and old, men and women. When they said 7 kms, start, only the children plus Marat started to run. I also started then, because Marat started to run, but I was quite confused, I was 50% sure we started to run in the wrong time, with children. The 7kms consisted of 3 rounds of 2.3kms, the track went in the forest, on (very icy) snow all the way. I was in my indoors football shoes, so I slipped every now and then. If you consider that slipping is usually back, not in front, maybe I did 7.5kms :)