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leaving from Ekat: 27 of May

Csabi in Russia

From March 2012 I will be living in Ekaterinburg, Russia for some time. Stay with me in this unilingually English blog.

the time

in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk oblast) is always 4 hours ahead of CET, 3 hours ahead of Finnish and Ukrainian, 2 hours ahead of Moscow and Kazan time.



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Tatarstan - Ka3aH

2011.07.29. 23:55 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

 First of all, sorry for being late. Also, todays post won't be so long, but tomorrow you will get a longer post of my stay in Kazan, the republic of Tatarstan.

I want to make it clear that these tatars have nothing to do with those tatars who have "visited" Hungary armed, they are from Mongolia. There tatars have never been there, maybe just for tourism.

The way to Kazan was nothing interesting, i could sleep well, i was with a family who did not speak english and i did not feel like suffering to break the language barrier, so we just slept.

I had to spend the first night in a hostel, today i am hosted by a couchsurfer. The hostel is actually the (not so modern and clean) flat of a girl living with her child, and a big room is the dormitory. But she was very helpful and it was nice to stay there. 

There was a dutch guy there, we went to buy Rubin - Anzhi tickets to Centralni Stadion, we paid 70 rubles each (around 1.70e maybe), so tomorrow we are gonna watch Roberto Carlos, Dzsudzsak Balazs and other stars :)

Today we went to a small island on the Volga (there is bridge, not by ferry), it was great but maybe i write more about it in the next post.

So all-Kazan post tomorrow. Stay tuned :)

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