I also will intend to give you more pictures, usually the technical difficulties prevented me from doing it in the first edition, and now i have an Asus X101 netbook, and in the flat there will be internet, so this shouldn't be a problem, i will have time and chance to upload photos from my mobile.
Just to show you how close blog brings people to each other, I will live together in Ekterinburg with the first edition's guest reader. I don't promise that I will live together with all future guest readers, but the power of blog is unquestionable anyway :)
So we will live in a flat in district (area) called Blue Stone (Sini kamen), 5kms southeast from the center. I will have another separate post about the flat and the sorroundings when i arrive. Btw, I will arrive at Ekb on the 5th of March, in the evening, after almost 3 days on train.
So I depart on the 2nd, in the evening from Budapest Keleti pályaudvar (railway station), by "Tisa" ("Tisza") international train to Moscow via the Carpathians, Lviv and Kiev. I will write another post before departure.
Stay with me, and don't forget: Eta Rasha!