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leaving from Ekat: 27 of May

Csabi in Russia

From March 2012 I will be living in Ekaterinburg, Russia for some time. Stay with me in this unilingually English blog.

the time

in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk oblast) is always 4 hours ahead of CET, 3 hours ahead of Finnish and Ukrainian, 2 hours ahead of Moscow and Kazan time.



Railway Timetable Search Engine

Ajanlott blog (HU)

Nincs megjeleníthető elem

Ostorozhna, dvery zakravaytse!

2011.09.04. 18:47 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

First let me write a few words about my way home.

Friday was the last day of the course, we had breakfast in Vierumaki (where "some" Hungarians made sandwiches for later tough times ...), then we were taken to Espoo by bus (next to Helsinki), to the research center organizing the course. We had lunch there, it was sushi, "some" Hungarians ate as much not to need dinner (i ate 15 pieces, they were not small, but very delicious). I don't say i will eat sushi every now and then, especially not if i have to pay for it, but it was ok.

After making the final presentations where we finished in the middle of the field, i took a bus to Hki (4 euros single ticket), and went to ferry port. The ticket to Tallinn was surprisingly expensive (42 euros) because it was Friday, but the course organizers will pay it so no problem. On the ferry it was sunny 20 degrees, i stole a chair from a bar on the open deck (just like others - maybe also non-Finnish people - did it) and enjoyed the sunshine and the nice view of the sea and the islands. I still had a beer that helped in forming my mood as well.

After arrival to Tallinn i went to my favourite (i have been to it 2 yrs ago once :) ) supermarket to buy some Estonian things (Saku beer, Kalev chocolate and something else). then went to the bus station where took an Eurolines to Vilnius (21h-06h). The bus was almost empty, i had good sleep. In Vilnius (just like anywhere else) there is not much to do at 6am unless u live there and go home, so i found a nice bench inside the train station (outside it was cold), and waited for the morning to come. Then i bought a railway ticket to Warsaw. After the early difficulties (the diesel train broke down and we had to take another one), the connection on the Polish side of the border was just a few minutes late upon arrival to Warsaw (at 20:25 instead of 20:10). So i had 13 mins to buy a ticket to Budapest as the train was to leave at 20:38. I managed it, but it was very expensive and with no sleeper place, just seat. The price doesn't really matter as the EIT will pay it, but for the seat ... i was a bit disappointed. My only hope was that most of the many people on the train will get of at Katowice, after 2 hours. And that's exactly what happened. From then on, until Budapest i had 3 seats to lie on, and sleep well with my valuables under my head. I only got up when the train stopped, so all i remember from the journey are labels "Breclav" and "Bratislava". In the morning i arrived to Budapest so the blog ended.

Thank you very much for following it, let me share some "statistics" (more like would-be-interesting facts) about the blog:
Including this, there were 19 posts. In average, i spent 35-40 minutes by writing a post (donno about the guest post, so stats are about 18 only), the longest one was 90 minutes and the shortest 18 minutes. I was very rarely thinking about what to write before starting to write. One exception was the "Vsyo?" idea, which i figured out days before. The "most expensive" blog post costed around 2 euros in a net cafe in Ekat, in the first days (it was on Malysheva i think). Approximately one third of the posts were written in net cafes (and post offices), most of the posts on somebody's computer, 2 from home (first and last), and two from public free internet (hostel in Kyiv and Scandic Hotel in Vierumaki). It was often very hard to find a net cafe or post office and nowadays free wifi is everywhere (cafes, shopping malls), so the conclusion is that if i want to make my life easier i should buy a netbook for writing blog.

Let me thank you your attention and loyality with this beautiful Russian song performed by Splin. And according to your opinion, the blog is most probably to continue in 6-12 months. If so, i hope to welcome u back among my readers! Take care.

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