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leaving from Ekat: 27 of May

Csabi in Russia

From March 2012 I will be living in Ekaterinburg, Russia for some time. Stay with me in this unilingually English blog.

the time

in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk oblast) is always 4 hours ahead of CET, 3 hours ahead of Finnish and Ukrainian, 2 hours ahead of Moscow and Kazan time.



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Vsyo? Nyet. It's just the beginning

2011.08.28. 13:18 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

The appearance of this post is delayed by 24 hours to avoid congestion with the guest post.

Sorry again for the huge delays of the blog, but technical problems and lack of internet cafes in Moscow were both working against me. Next time if i write travel blog i should carry (first buy) a netbook, there is free wifi everywhere but no netcafe anywhere. Now i am writing from a post office in Minsk and i have only 28 mins left. It's very cheap (like 20 euro cents per hour), but i ran out of belarus money ... i have 20 notes but they are all together something like 10 euro cents.

The last days in Ekaterinburg were ambivalent, i enjoyed it very much but they were mostly about lazyness and doing nothing after the active 3 weeks of the course. We went to buy some more souvenirs, some useful ones and some others. I stayed at Shan's place, he is a nice host, we had nice time. Also, we spent time together with our Ra'shan frenddz (they don't say it like this, but others do).

On Tuesday, which was the last day for me, with Shan and one of his Russian friends, who is working as window cleaner on Ekat's first skyscraper called Visotsky (after famous actor-musician), we went up to the top of the building. The building is not ready yet, it's a construction site, so he gave uniforms to us to pretend that we are workers. With entering the site we had no problem, nobody asked anything. Then we found the elevators, and at this point we had a minor problem. One of the two elevators were working only and that one was very crowded by (real) workers carrying huge items. And they were waiting for the lift-master. So it looked risky to get in with no Russian knowledge and with street shoes etc. (btw about the Russian knowledge others might have problems as well, there were not so many European-looking workers, and Shan was the only one wearing helmet :) too good pretending ) So we used the stairs. The building has 45 floors, so it was a long walk up. Although there were some obstackles at almost every staircase (ledders, paint mugs, strange machines, workers painting the wall, no light at all for a few meters) and the stairs were not covered yet (concrete surface, sometimes slippery), we made it faster then we expected. The view from the top was amazing, we could see whole Ekat and beyond. It was a great adventure.

In the evening after pub, there was nothing more left but the painful goodbye. My train was leaving at 1:30 local time, which is 23:30 Moscow time. I have never ever had so nice goodbye group at the station like now, i was really pleased and i couldn't find words (still can't). Thank you guys so much, thank you Julia, Dasha, Shan, Marat and Bulut (hope spelling is ok). I will never forget this night.

Now i leave Russia (i already left, but as i got to know Russia and Belarus are forming an own Schengen), but if somebody asks me on the border:
Vsyo? (for people who haven't been to Russia: it means "Is this all?", the cashier ask when u stop saying what u need, but used in many other contexts)
I will be smart, strong and confident enought to say:
Nyet. It's just the beginning!

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